Put on your race number!
Number is to be worn on the front of your running shirt or jacket and must be visible.
Timing chip is built into the race number. No chip - no time!
Clothing Storage
Clothing storage will be provided at the Registration area and Mile 4 drop-off (clothing from Mile 4 will be
returned to the Registration area). DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES and/or irreplaceable items.
Get lined up at the start early
Please make your way to the start line for your race
several minutes early. To limit course congestion early in the race, self-seed yourself based on your
expected pace, with faster runners closer to the start line and walkers further back. Race times are
based on the chip time so your time doesn't start until you cross the start line.
Note the Sunday races each have a separate start line. All are on Washington Street next to
Sylvester Park.
The marathon starts between Legion and 7th while the half marathon and five mile start between 7th and 8th.
The marathon and half marathon travel north from their start line. The five mile travels south from its start line.
See the marathon, half marathon,
and five mile pages for details.
Course Logistics
The course will be clearly marked and monitors will be at all major intersections. Mile markers will be at each mile point.
Aid Stations
Aid Stations will be placed at two-mile intervals and Mile 25 for the marathon, featuring
Ultima (lemonade flavor) and Honey Stinger gels and chews. Sponge stations will be located at various points along the course.
Portable Toilets
Sani-Cans will be located at the starting area and every two miles on the course.
Pacing will be provided by Marathon Maniacs. The pacer group times are as follows.
Marathon - 3:20, 3:35, 3:50, 4:00, 4:20, 4:35, 4:45, and 5:00
Half Marathon - 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, and 2:30